Times Change and Building Standards Change, Reflected in This Victorian Cottage Renovation

Times change and building standards change. Amanda Richmond of Balance Architecture & Interior Design remembers when she was a girl “My old Dad was a carpenter in the days where a building could be constructed on the basis of a handshake and the strength of his word. Dad always said, ‘Measure twice, cut once’, and, ‘Never assume anything’… that last one has held us in good stead on numerous occasions.” These days extensive documentation is required to renovate
or build; this protects the client, architect and builder alike.

Throughout the course of these blogs we will explain the process of building design, both architectural and interior design and take you through the challenges the different building sites throw up.

A recent project is the renovation of a Victorian cottage located in the gold fields of Victoria. The building sits in a formal front garden, the facade balanced by ancient palm trees either side of the entry path. Over time the building has been remodelled many times but the resulting interior spaces are now too restrictive for contemporary use. As the building is within an Heritage Overlay, modifications must comply to strict guidelines.

Balance Architecture & Interior Design have now completed concept design drawings and invited the local council’s Heritage Architect to inspect the site and comment on the design intentions.
Balance consider it important to collaborate with their clients, share ideas with Consultant Professionals and design within the guidelines to avoid both costly mistakes & lengthy delays for their clients.

The concept design drawings have been met with enthusiasm, Balance can now continue to the next stage of the project. Architect Andrew Fedorowicz  and Interior Designer Amanda Richmond both have immense experience and expertise in renovating and remodelling heritage listed buildings. They eagerly look forward to continuing this project.

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