Solar Panels & New Roofs

In September 2015 BALANCE Architecture replaced the roof cladding on this Central Victorian residence.IMG_0035

Finished Roof viewed from North West

Previous summers proved that the top floor of this double story Victorian residence was uninhabitable. Fiberglass insulation batts at ceiling level were the only insulation within the roof.

View to SW 2

Roof Valley looking West before Works began


Heritage Overlays controlled by Local Municipal Authorities demanded that only galvanised corrugated iron be used as a visible cladding. New heavy duty Sisalation under a 50 mm fibreglass insulation blanket (pulled tight prior to fixing) was installed under the roofing iron. This construction method ensured an efficient thermal difference between outside and inside temperatures and eliminated condensation within the roof space. It also softened the noise of heavy rain.

At this time, it was also decided to install a 5 kW solar system to satisfy the electricity demands of the house. Again, Heritage Controls by the Local Municipal Authority, allow the installation of solar panels provided they remain hidden ‘from a public road’ and/or ‘a public park’.



Solar Panels almost complete

20 x 250w panels split into 2 groups (8 panels to the North-Right Hand Side – shown here, were affected by shadowing by the Chimneys). Overshadowing does affect panel performance. To compensate, a Dual Tracker Inverter was installed so that overshadowing would not affect the entire system.

Power Consumption for the September 2015 Quarter cost $1427.04

Power Consumption for the December 2015 Quarter cost $354.90 including a Feed-in Tariff

This represents a 75% saving on previous electricity charges!!!

If you would like to achieve a similar result for your home or in your planned renovation call us to arrange a no-obligation consultation

The secondary benefit of this installation is that a major part of the internal roof valley is now in shade. The internal temperature differential of at least 5 to 8°C during the 2015 summer was achieved. Every room on the first floor has a reverse cycle air-conditioner. None were used for cooling purposes this year.

BALANCE Architecture can be consulted on matters of Solar Panel installation. We also have suitable Contractors available for installations. As the name implies we achieve the right Balance between Design, Documentation and Construction, together with Council Compliances.

As more and more houses are being fitted with panels it is imperative that BALANCE be consulted on matters of Aesthetics, Function and Civic Compliance.

Municipal Authorities through their Town Planning Departments and Heritage Advisory Committees must have control over how and where solar panels are installed.

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