Is your Heritage Project eligible for a Grant in 2020?

With significant Grants available through Victoria’s Heritage Restoration Fund, the Living Heritage Program (administered through the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning) as well as specific Grants from the City of Melbourne, the City of Yarra and the City of Ballarat dispensed by the Heritage Restoration Fund soon to be determined and announced, it’s timely to remind all those interested in Heritage and its protection to now prepare for the next round of grants available in 2020.

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Buda House, Castlemaine

Specifically it is a very sensible approach to engage a Heritage Architect to assist you or your organisation in pursuing such grants. To ensure your application will qualify, firstly visit and read over the ‘Assessment Criteria’ and ‘Online Application Checklist’ before starting your application. Each Municipality has slightly different criteria.

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Her Majesty’s Theatre, Ballarat

Where a qualified and experienced Heritage Architect can assist you is with the ‘Description of Works’ and ‘Historical Information’. As well you will be required to supply 2 Firm Quotes for each eligible component of works. This combined with a Total Estimate of works, Permit/s or Permit/s exemptions and include any other financial assistance you may have sought, is best prepared by an experienced Professional.

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Camperdown Grandstand

Andrew Fedorowicz is both experienced and competent in all aspects of preparing such grant applications as well as a long track record in both the planning and completion of many full heritage restorations.

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Werribee Park Mansion

Andrew is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Architects. He is currently involved in a number of Heritage projects including several in the municipalities offering heritage restoration grants. Both private individuals and community based organisations are eligible for such grants.

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Windmill Farm – Kyneton

For Heritage Grants from the Living Heritage Program the criteria is somewhat different. Launched in 2016, the program was formed to deliver $38.5 million to ‘safeguard and reactivate’ Victoria’s Key Heritage resources. Over $8.5 million is targeted towards ‘at risk’ State listed heritage places.

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Returned Soldier’s Memorial Hall

The project is designed to address the risk to a place or object and delivers demonstrable benefits to the community.

From the Heritage Victoria Website…

Who can apply?

The heritage place or object that is the subject of the application must be on the Victorian Heritage Register. The following parties can apply for a grant:

  • a Victorian municipal council
  • a community or not-for-profit organisation that is a legal entity (for example an incorporated association, incorporated cooperative or Indigenous corporation) –please note that an incorporated not-for-profit organisation must provide proof of not-for-profit status.
  • a Committee of Management under the Crown Lands Reserves Act 1978.Groups must meet the conditions of clause 14(4)a (any three or more persons) or 14(4)e (any board, committee, commission, trust or other body corporate or unincorporated established by or under any Act for any public purpose)
  • Trusts appointed pursuant to a restricted Crown grant (during the 19th century, under a series of Land Acts, Crown land was often permanently reserved for specified purposes – mechanics’ institutes, sports grounds etc. – and granted to trustees on trust for the purposes of the reservation)and Cemetery trusts appointed under the Cemeteries and Crematoria Act 2003
  • an owner of a privately-owned place or object (including places of worship)–please note that applicants must:match the grant funding on a dollar for dollar basis; must meet public accessibility criteria and; must demonstrate significant community and public benefit from the investment. Matched funding cannot be offered ‘in kind’ and must relate to the nominated project. For example, if a privately-owned place requires conservation works to the value of $100,000, the applicant may request $50,000 from the grant. Private owners must be incorporated, or partner with an organisation that is, please see below for further information.

Funding will not be provided to any party that has failed to complete, or has not yet completed, any projects funded under previous State or Commonwealth heritage grants programs. If the property has an active project under a previous round of the Living Heritage Grants Program (or another funding program for heritage-related works), then this must be completed before applying. Applicants who do not have adequate insurance or are not incorporated/registered as a not-for-profit will need to partner with another group or organisation who does meet the requirements. This is an ‘auspice’ arrangement. If your application is successful, the auspice organisation agrees to take the full legal and financial responsibility for the project. Grant funds are paid directly to the auspice organisation. For further information refer to: Applicants must possess an Australian Business Number (ABN) or provide a completed Australian Tax Office form (Statement by a supplier) so that no withholding tax is required from the grant payment. If the applicant is not the owner of the place, the project and application must have the owner’s consent at the time of submission.

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Polly Woolside, Melbourne

What types of projects may be funded?

Projects will include conservation works to the exterior and/or interiors of Victorian Heritage Register listed places and objects to improve their overall condition. The place or object must be publicly accessible. Works should be guided by advice sought from a heritage professional, such as a heritage architect or advisor. It is generally expected that projects will replace materials in a like-for-like manner, rather than introduce modern materials, as is considered best practice.Examples of projects include, but are not limited to:

  • works to mitigate the identified risk(s) to the place or object
  • repairs to roofs, installation of new guttering and downpipes, or stonework repairs, using traditional materials and methods
  • re-stumping and repairs to timber framing, weatherboards, windows and doors
  • works that will enable the re-use of a building that has been unoccupied due to poor condition
  • repairs, restoration or reconstruction and conservation of an object at risk of deterioration
  • protection works such as the installation of appropriate fire protection systems
  • documentation projects will be considered if the project outcomes demonstrate a commitment to undertake urgent ‘at risk’ works to the place. Documentation projects may include for example, conservation management plans that include a prioritised and costed works action plan.
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Carlton Trades Hall

What types of projects will not be funded?

Certain projects will be ineligible for grant funding through the Living Heritage Grants Program. These include, but are not limited to:

  • projects relating to heritage places and objects that are not on the Victorian Heritage Register
  • works that are the subject of State or Local Government ‘Emergency Works Orders’
  • works to privately owned heritage places and objects, and places operating on a commercial or for-profit basis, unless public accessibility criteria can be met, and a significant public benefit can be demonstrated
  • purchase of heritage places, associated land, equipment, furniture, storage or display cabinets
  • employment or remuneration of staff
  • relocation of heritage buildings or objects
  • refurbishment projects involving, for example, the purchase of new carpet, and the installation of kitchens and bathrooms and construction of new buildings (such as a new toilet block, storage facility, fence or museum) or new additions to heritage places
  • projects that have already started
  • works to heritage places and objects that have no general public access or where access to the general public is limited.
  • demolition or other works that may affect the heritage significance of the heritage place or object
  • interpretation projects
  • regular maintenance activities that should normally be carried out to keep the place or object in good repair. This could include, for example, cleaning or repairing of blocked or broken stormwater and sewer lines, blocked gutters and downpipes, broken water services or leaking taps and toilet cisterns, damaged or defective light fittings and general painting works
  • repair of damage caused by vandalism, fire or other natural disasters where the repair of damage should be covered by insurance
  • any other projects deemed ineligible after assessment of application.
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Wollaston Bridge

What are the funding details?

An amount of between $20,000 and $200,000 per project is available.

Complex or multi-phased projects may be eligible to apply to more than one grant round. This may be done if, for example, a project to restore a place involved complete restoration of a roof and associated works that would exhaust the full $200,000 allocation for that year. In order to apply for a grant in a subsequent grant round, any previous funding provided would need to have been completed and fully acquitted. Successful grant applications for stage one of a project will NOT guarantee the awarding of a grant for any subsequent rounds. It is therefore essential that each project stage is able to be completed within the allotted timeframe, and without reliance on receiving future funding.The table below shows the funding available and the funding ratios that apply:

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For projects valued at $50,000 or more, an appropriately qualified project manager, with experience in heritage conservation, will be required and a percentage of the grant funds. The percentage will be determined at the time of entering into the Funding Agreement.If applicable, the project manager should be nominated in the application


A primary requirement is “An appropriately qualified manager, with experience in heritage conservation” – (mentioned in the last paragraph for projects valued at $50,000 or more.)

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Murtoa Grain Store

Ensure your project receives due consideration and wherever possible a suitable grant. This year’s round of grants for both bodies has now closed. However with a new round of grants being considered next year, now is the time to properly prepare, provide thorough working drawings and costings and the benefit of an experienced eye.

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John Kelly’s former house

Call Balance Architecture now on 03 8696 9700 during business hours or leave your details here for a prompt reply. Better still call Principal Architect Andrew Fedorowicz (FAIA) now on 0418 534 792 to discuss your project.

Balance Architecture and Interior Design.

Experience Professionalism Vision.

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