In our last blog we discussed some tips before you begin a renovation or redecoration of your home or a space within the home. Taking into account the purpose of the space and how it would best work for you and your family, comfort, heating, cooling, lighting, power outlets and storage space you should now have drawn up a wish list. Looking at this list what are the dominate issues and what are the priorities?
If it is an older style home or even a newer home will new technical systems resolve your issues, such as solar power, air-conditioning, LED lighting, a security alarm system? Now is the time to make decisions about how much change is required to meet your desired outcomes. Do you need to reorganise, redecorate or is a total renovation required? Once you have answered these questions it is time to prepare a budget, based on the decisions made. Remember to make allowances for the length of time needed to complete the work and be aware that this may change the priority of items in your task list.
Once you have prepared your Game Plan for the redecoration or renovation of your home your next decision will be whether you will undertake the redecorating or renovating yourself or whether you will bring in a professional Interior Designer. This will depend on budgetary restraints, your abilities and time restraints. If your budget allows, a professional interior design is nearly always better quality and will have some very unique touches. It also saves you a heap of time. The tips from last week and this week’s blogs are provided by award winning Interior Designer Amanda Richmond from Balance Architecture + Interior Design.